Weather Station Status
This page shows the current status of the weather software used in the operation of this website.
Station system up for 5 Days 20 Hours 9 Minutes 4 Seconds
Station system free memory 33.97GB
Station software Weather-Display
Station software last started 7:12:26 AM 2/8/2025.
Component | Status | Age h:m:s |
Latest update time as of Fri, 14-Feb-2025 3:20am PST |
Weather-Display realtime | Current | 0:00:01 | Fri, 14-Feb-2025 3:20am PST |
Weather-Display FTP | Current | 0:00:47 | Fri, 14-Feb-2025 3:20am PST |
Weather-Display weather data | Current | 0:00:49 | Fri, 14-Feb-2025 3:20am PST |
Weather-Display NOAA report | Current | 3:09:48 | Fri, 14-Feb-2025 12:11am PST |
Weather-Display Month report | Current | 3:12:46 | Fri, 14-Feb-2025 12:08am PST |
GRLevel3 Radar FTP | Current | 0:01:26 | Fri, 14-Feb-2025 3:19am PST |
WXSIM forecast | Current | 1:20:49 | Fri, 14-Feb-2025 2:00am PST |
Davis Vantage pro2 | Status |
Console battery | 4.7 Volts |
ISS status | Ok |
Reception | 99% |
Pages needing work or hidden from menu.
River Height FetchWXSIM Chart
Extra River Data
Other Air Quality
Davis Vantage Pro2 Console
SWN Mesonet
Marine Forecasts
Raspberry Shake
Raspberry Shake2
Forecast Map
NOAA Radio
GOES18 Satellite
NOAA-Style Climate Reports
Space Weather
Weather Extremes