Solar & UV Data

Solar Noon @ 12:22
Sunrise @ 6:57 am Sunset @ 5:46 pm
Today 0 W/m2 as of 12:00 AM Today 0.0 as of 12:00 AM
Yesterday 686.0 W/m2 at 1:50 PM Yesterday 2.2 at 1:49 PM
February 817.0 W/m2 on 2/7/2025 February 3.2 on 2/5/2025
2025 817.0 W/m2 on 2/7/2025 2025 3.2 on 2/5/2025
Sunshine hours (today) 00:00 hrs Sunshine hours (yesterday) 00:12 hrs
Sunshine hours (February) 36:57 hrs Sunshine hours (2025) 246:18 hrs

Sunburn Risk Table

Please use caution when interpreting the results below, and remember that they are an estimate.
UV Index was 0.0 at 02:13 AM PST
Classification of Skin Types  
Type History of Sun Burning and Tanning  Skin Scale Factor   Minutes to Burn  
(Blank when the UV index is 0.0)
I  Always burns easily, never tans 1.4
II  Always burns easily, tans minimally 1.0
III  Burns moderately, tans gradually and uniformly  0.7
IV  Burns minimally, always tans well 0.6
V  Rarely burns, tans profusely 0.5
VI  Rarely burns, deeply pigmented 0.4
Note: Do not use to determine actual time in the sun. Individual responses vary widely.

Select a UV Index to view: 
Classification of SkinTypes  
Type History of Sun Burning and Tanning  Skin Scale Factor   Minutes to Burn  
I  Always burns easily, never tans 1.4    
II  Always burns easily, tans minimally 1.0    
III  Burns moderately, tans gradually and uniformly  0.7    
IV  Burns minimally, always tans well 0.6    
V  Rarely burns, tans profusely 0.5    
VI  Rarely burns, deeply pigmented 0.4    
Note: Do not use to determine actual time in the sun. Individual responses vary widely.

UV Forecast       EPA SunWise